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Issue 5

Hey everyone! 👋  Welcome to the fifth issue of the iOS CI Newsletter! Hope you’ve all had an amazing couple of weeks!

I realised, as I was writing this issue, that it is the last one I will be sending out this year. I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you all so much for the support and to share that the iOS CI newsletter has over 300 subscribers now! 🎉 ❤️

As the next time you’ll hear from me will be in 2023, I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 🥂🎄

Code signing and provisioning explained

Signing and provisioning iOS apps is a process which usually causes a lot of confusion amongst developers. In this article, Natascha gives a great explanation on how the process works.

MarkCodable reports

In this article, Marin goes through how the MarkCodable library can be used to provide better, more readable reports from command line tools.

The article also showcases how, with just a few lines of code, MarkCodable can help improve the output of the swift tests command. I will definitely be trying it out on one of my project’s CIs over the next couple of weeks.

Getting started with Xcode Cloud

If you haven’t tried or looked into Xcode Cloud yet, I would thoroughly recommend reading this tutorial from Josh Berlin on Kodeco. It goes through how to setup your project to use Xcode Cloud and how to create workflows for running the app’s tests and submitting it to Testflight.

I also came across a tweet from Antoine this week where he asked for people’s experiences with Xcode Cloud. If you fancy hearing about how people are finding it before making the switch, I’d thoroughly recommend reading the thread.

GitHub Actions delayed macOS Ventura support

I came across a tweet from Simon B. Støvring this week linking to a GitHub issue about the availability of macOS 13 GitHub-hosted runners.

In the issue, a GitHub engineer confirms that macOS 13 (Ventura) GitHub-hosted runners will only become available on public beta in the second quarter of 2023, which unfortunately is a long time away 😔.

A look at Twitter’s app size

I have really enjoyed reading Emerge Tools’ tweets where they dig into live apps’ contents and suggest improvements they could introduce to decrease their app sizes. This week they audited the Twitter app and identified some areas for improvement.