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Issue 4

Hey everyone! 👋  Welcome to the fourth issue of the iOS CI Newsletter! Hope you’ve all had an amazing couple of weeks!

At work, we have been very busy over the past couple of weeks making improvements to our CI pipelines and trying to reduce our app’s build times. The article I have written this week for my blog stems from this work and showcases a tool we have written to track any improvements (or regressions) to the duration of our CI pipelines.

GitHub Action workflow metrics

Having visibility and metrics over how long each of your CI pipeline runs takes over time is very important. It allows you to spot increases (or decreases) in the duration of specific CI pipelines and quickly identify the cause for such changes to the pipeline’s duration. If you use GitHub Actions, you might find the tool described in this article useful.

App Store Connect API guide

In this post, Natascha takes a look at the App Store Connect API and goes through how it can be used to automate tasks.

If you write your scripts and command line tools with Swift and are looking for a Swift SDK to interact with the App Store Connect API, you can check this project from Antoine out.

Xcode Cloud and Swift Packages

A few weeks ago, I asked on Twitter whether it was possible to use Xcode Cloud to build Swift Packages without having to link them to an app target.

The short answer is that it’s not technically possible, but this article from Apple shows a workaround which can be used to build a Swift Package with Xcode Cloud.

Notable app size changes

Last week I came across this tweet from Emerge Tools and I thought it was super interesting! They did an analysis of big apps which had notable size changes over that week.

For example, the tweet shows how the DoorDasher app size decreased after the binary symbols were stripped  ✂️. I would recommend following them on Twitter as they usually share some very interesting content.

Understanding XCConfig files

I really enjoyed reading this article from Danijela about XCConfig files. If you need to provide different build settings or even environment variables for different configurations of your app, I would thoroughly recommend reading this article.

Repeato 🤝 Bitrise

I have to admit I had not heard about Repeato before reading this post from Bitrise, but it looks very interesting. Repeato is a no-code tool that allows you to set up and run UI automation tests with seemlingly little effort. If you’re a Bitrise user, Repeato is now a verified step you can add to your workflows.