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Issue 6

Hey everyone! 👋  Welcome to the sixth issue of the iOS CI Newsletter! Hope you’ve all had an amazing couple of weeks!

First things first, Happy New Year everyone! Hope you have had an amazing end of 2022 and are excited and full of energy to have a great 2023. 🍾 🎉

In case you missed it, I wrote an article last week looking back at my 2022, what I have done and what I want to achieve in 2023. Looking back, 2022 has been a great year for me and I am very thankful for all the support everyone has shown for the newsletter. I am excited to keep it going this year and have a lot of exciting improvements I will be making, so keep your eyes peeled.

Managing multiple Swift versions

It is common to support multiple versions of Swift on CI runners and, to make maintainance a breeze, your team will need a process in place to switch between such versions. In this article, I go through the approach I currently use to manage multiple versions of Swift in a single machine.

Mobile app testing tips

Testing is often overlooked by companies despite its crucial role in safely delivering an application to its users. Tjeerd does a great job of communicating the value of testing your application and explains why it is a good idea to run tests on CI before merging changes into the project’s main branch.

Code signing and XCFrameworks

I find articles about people solving very specific and rare issues extremely interesting. This time, Peter walks us through an issue with signing an XCFramework containing a C++ library and how he got around it.

Authorising App Store Connect API requests

Natascha goes through the process of creating a JSON Web Token (JWT) which can be used to authenticate requests made to the App Store Connect API. This is a must read article if you want to use the API to write scripts and automate App Store Connect processes. This article is a follow up on her previous article on the App Store Connect API.

New version of Bitrise Insights is out!

Earlier this month, Bitrise announced a new version of their Insights service. Insights allows users to monitor CI/CD processes to identify bottlenecks and potential areas for improvement. The reason I was so impressed with Insights is that, at work, we have done work to gather metrics on GitHub Actions workflows completely from scratch and Bitrise offers support for this out of the box!

To celebrate the announcement of Insights 2.0, Bitrise are offering this new version for free until March next year! 🎉