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Issue 2

Hey everyone! 👋  Welcome to the second issue of the iOS CI Newsletter! Hope you’ve all had a fantastic week!

By the time this issue goes out I will already be in Amsterdam in preparation for my talk at the Do iOS Conference, which I am super excited about.

Not only that, but it’s my first time in Amsterdam too, so I am going a bit earlier to explore the city. I will be there until Wednesday evening, so if you happen to be there at the same time and want to catch up with me or have any Amsterdam tips, reach out to me on Twitter 💬 😊

How to regenerate Xcode managed provisioning profiles

In this short post, Jeff talks through how provisioning profiles can be regenerated even when the ‘Automatically Manage Signing’ option is enabled in Xcode. I had no idea you could do this and it will definitely save me a lot of headaches going forward! 🎉.

GitHub action workflow trigger on tag push

Running a GitHub Action workflow whenever a tag is pushed is straight-forward, but what if you want to run it only if the tag is on a specific branch?

While GitHub does not offer out of the box support for this, Junda shows us a workaround in this article đŸ€©.

App Store connect dSYMs

You might have heard that App Store Connect no longer accepts bitcode submissions from Xcode 14. As Sarun explains in this article, this means that dSYM download links aren’t available anymore for such submissions in App Store Connect.

Worry not though, because Sarun explains this change in great detail and offers you an alternative way to download debug symbols directly from Xcode.

actions/checkout GitHub action updated!

In this article, Marco Eidinger walks you through why and how to update the checkout GitHub Action to the latest version in your workflows.

Not only that, but Marco also gives you a command to bulk update the action’s version in all your workflow files at once. 🎉

A tip on testing when using Fastlane

If you work on a big codebase and use fastlane to run multiple test plans on your CI, this tweet might be of interest to you. đŸ§Ș

Before you go

Let’s finish up this issue with a meme. I feel like this tweet from ios_memes represents the why of the talk I am giving next week at the Mobile Devops Summit đŸ˜