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Every two weeks, directly to your inbox and packed with everything you need to know and be aware of so that you're always prepared for the next app release!

Read and trusted by engineers from:

Issue 32


Introducing Rollbacks by Runway

Undo a bad native app release with a single click. Cut out all the lead time needed to investigate and implement a fix, get builds compiled and uploaded, and make it through the store review process.

🎄🥂 The last issue of the year! 🎄🥂

Wow, I can’t believe it’s the last day of 2023 already and I am writing the last issue of the year. Time certainly flies when you’re having fun 😄.

This has been an incredible year for the newsletter and I want to thank you all for the amazing support you have shown since the very first issue.

To celebrate the year, I wanted to pick my three favourite moments and share them with you:

🥇 Interacting with you

My favourite thing from the start of the newsletter has been reading the replies I get after I send out every issue and improving based on the feedback I get from you.

Furthermore, I have met numerous new people thanks to the newsletter and I feel a lot more in touch with the community, which feels amazing 🤩.

🥈 1,000 subscribers

When the year started, I was scared about people not being interested in the newsletter at all.

But you have shown me that I was very wrong! Not only have I reached the 500 subscribers goal I set myself at the beginning of the year, but we are now over 1,000 subscribers! Thank you all so much 🙏.

🥉 The first-ever sponsor

I am very grateful to Runway for being such a wonderful sponsor and for helping me from the early days of the newsletter.

Having companies sponsor my work helps me keep delivering content for free and allowing free access to information, which is one of my key values as a content creator.

I have some awesome sponsors lined up for 2024 which I can’t wait to share with you!

One more thing…

To celebrate the end of the year, I have put together a special issue where I look back at the year and pick the top 3 (or 4 as you will see in a second 😅) most-clicked articles of the year. They are amazing pieces of content that are worth revisiting in 2024!

🍾 That’s it from me, Happy New Year everyone and see you all again next year!

🥇 Improving the build time of SPM packages

Most read article of the year and rightly so! What a great write-up by Manu Herrera with so many tips to keep in the back of your mind when optimising your build times 🏎️.

📩 Found in issue 23.

🥈 Setting up SwiftFormat in your projects

The second most-read article in the newsletter in 2023 is this amazing all-you-need-to-know guide to setting up SwiftFormat in your Swift projects by Pranav Kasetti.

📩 Found in issue 26.

🥉 A new approach to testing in Swift

In joint third place comes my personal favourite and the changes I am most looking forward to in 2024! This post by Stuart Montgomery showcasing a new macro-based approach to testing that Apple has been working on is worth revisiting!

If you’d like a more in-depth look at the proof of concept library they have open-sourced, make sure you check out the documentation or my article on the topic.

📩 Found in issue 25.

🥉 Automatic memory leak detection on CI/CD

Last but not least and in joint third place is this amazing article by Tuan Hoang on how to automatically detect memory leaks on CI/CD.

I have been bitten by memory leaks on both personal and work projects and they are sometimes hard to spot, so any automation you can get around them is always welcome!

📩 Found in issue 27.