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Issue 20


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Hey everyone! 👋 Welcome to the twentieth issue of the iOS CI Newsletter. Hope you’ve had a great couple of weeks!

I will keep my intro short and sweet this time as my focus these past two weeks hasn’t been as much on CI/CD and automation as it usually is.

I have been doing a lot of SwiftUI both at work and for my side projects. I have been playing with the new iOS 17+ MapKit and SwiftUI APIs, which are amazing, building a reusable settings form component to build data-backed screens from scratch at work and, of course, looking into workarounds for the quirks and inconsistencies across SwiftUI in different iOS versions 😅.

I am planning on writing some interesting articles about the things that I have been building over the next few weeks on my blog, so make sure to keep an eye on that if you’re interested in finding out more! 👀

☁️ Xcode Cloud: Using swift packages that require authentication

In this article, Marco Eidinger shows us how to use a netrc file in Xcode Cloud runners to store credentials that can then be used by SPM to download private or internal binary releases.

Marco also wrote an article last year about solving the same problem in GitHub Actions workflows, which you might find useful too 🎉.

💻 Connect to your EC2 instances from the CLI

Alberto de Bortoli has recently open-sourced EC2macConnector, a command-line tool developed in Swift that simplifies the process of connecting to Amazon Web Services (AWS) EC2 Mac instances through SSH.

In this article, Alberto explains how EC2macConnector works and why you should start using it to access your EC2 instances! 🎉

🧰 SDKs and Xcode’s version management

In this article, Alexander Weiß explains how the Manage version and build number Xcode setting can affect the version of the SDKs an app is using.

Alexander also shows how you can turn the setting off both through Xcode’s UI and programmatically to work around this issue 👏.

🚀 New Fastlane version

Fastlane 2.214.0 is out now and it comes packed with improvements and fixes to existing actions and lanes.

Among the changes, I would like to highlight this PR by Vitalii Budnik, which adds the ability to change an App Store Connect’s user’s role and permissions directly from Fastlane 🎉.