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Issue 10


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Hey everyone! 👋  Welcome to the tenth issue of the iOS CI Newsletter. Hope you’ve all had a fantastic couple of weeks!

As I mentioned in the previous issue, we’ve had a two-week sprint at work to look into how we can improve the state of our codebase. I have primarily focused on migrating 3rd-party CocoaPods dependencies to Swift Package Manager and learning the ins and outs of how the Swift build system resolves, installs, and builds its dependencies, which has been very interesting.

This work inspired the article I wrote last week on my blog which I am sharing in this issue of the newsletter 🎉

Safely depending on exact versions of Swift Packages

In this article, I explain why it might be a good idea to pin Swift Package Manager dependencies to exact versions and how setting an xcodebuild flag on your CI builds will help ensure you get reproducible builds and mitigate security risks.

🚨 You might need to update Fastlane 🚨

Fastlane has had an issue this week affecting accounts that authenticate with App Store Connect using Apple ID. This authentication method has been causing forbidden access responses that could even lock Apple ID accounts out 😱.

Thankfully, Josh Holtz came to the rescue and swiftly opened a Pull Request to fix the issue, which was followed shortly after with the release of version 2.212.1 of Fastlane 🎉.

If this is affecting you and your team, make sure you update to the latest version now. As Fastlane themselves recommend in this tweet, consider migrating to using an App Store Connect API key as your authentication method going forward.

Quickstart CI/CD by Runway

The team over at Runway has launched a new product: Quickstart CI/CD. As its name states, this new tool allows you to create new CI/CD pipelines for iOS and Android or replace existing flaky ones automatically with just a few clicks. And the best part is that this new service is completely free! 🎉

As you will know by now, Runway sponsor this newsletter, and when they shared the news of this new service and asked me whether I wanted to feature it, I immediately said yes as it looks very exciting! Hoping to try it out on a new side project soon 🔨👀

Fastlane iOS developer guide

This article by Natascha Fadeeva is an amazing resource if you’re getting started with Fastlane. It shows you how you can install it, create lanes, authenticate with App Store Connect, handle code signing, and much more! 🤩

Fastlane might be moving to Mobile Native Foundation!

There has been a big conversation on Twitter this week about Fastlane and whether it should continue being owned by Google, who don’t seem to be very invested in helping to maintain the tool.

This thread, created by Peter Steinberger, started a great conversation about how Fastlane would benefit from moving to the Mobile Native Foundation. There have already been conversations off the back of the thread on making this happen along with companies wanting to sponsor the Open Source project if this migration happens. 🎉

If you’re interested in keeping an eye on the move, the conversation is happening in this GitHub discussion.